About Us
We are committed to delivering reliable wastewater treatment solutions that help customers save money each year. Our proprietary and innovative products are in use globally. They are scalable and meet all regulatory requirements for wastewater treatment.
River Birch Biodisk was formed in November 2021 when River Birch Global Water Inc. acquired Biodisk Corporation. Tom G. Smith, founder of Biodisk, is continuing to provide advisory services to River Birch with founding staff now working with River Birch’s sales and marketing group. They are continuing to service customer growing requirements for wastewater treatment solutions. River Birch Biodisk proprietary modular product offering leverages the world leading wastewater technology that has been operating and used by customers globally since 1974.
River Birch Biodisk is an industrial leader specializing in the design, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of their wastewater treatment facilities utilizing rotating biological contactors (RBCs). The corporation has vast global experience using a technology that has been successfully installed in over two thousand treatment facilities at sites in Canada, USA, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Far East.
River Birch Biodisk delivers cost effective (comparably lower annual operating expenditures for wastewater treatment) and reliable wastewater treatment solutions.
We service the needs of communities including:
mining camps
construction camps
remote areas
providing back up capacity in new developments

A true ESG company focused on recovering, cleaning and delivering fresh water solutions.